Here are some other projects we’ve run with young people


Creative Thinkers in the Classroom

Bringing arts-based learning into classrooms across Hull

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Junior Design Factory 

Our working design studio run entirely by young people who learn differently

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Dyslexia Street Book

Celebrating dyslexia through the creation of large format illustrations and audio files

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Dyslexic Sweet Stories

Raising awareness of what it is like to have dyslexia through story telling and sensory experiences


Creative Thinkers Month

Activities during our annual #CreativeThinkersMonth

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Freedom Champions

Celebrating Hull’s Freedom Festival by creating large format digital artwork

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Creative Thinkers Across Hull

Building future life chances and raising awareness of Creative Careers for young people across Hull



Essential Life Skills 

Our year long project in Scarborough working with young people who learn differently



Design Online

Online design workshops during COVID-19 lockdowns



Inspiring Futures

Working with young people across the UK to develop aspirations in the creative industries

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